Here is another:
Sageville Families:
Need tech support at home? Effective immediately, a parent/guardian/student can call 563-552-3131 to leave a voice mail message, or email, both of which will automatically generate a support ticket. When leaving a message or sending an email, we would ask the following to be included by the parent/guardian/student:
The Dubuque Schools are also continually working to supply videos, tutorials and more to assist with at home virtual learning. Here is where you can find all of this information in one place:
Click to REGISTER FOR SCHOOL. Once page opens, click “REGISTER NOW”:
Here is every episode of Sageville News Network (SNN) for the 2019-2020 school year!
Here are the latest updates from the Dubuque Community School District:
Week 10 of educational materials developed by the district’s Educational Support Team are now available on our EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES WEBPAGE. This week’s resources again include Suggested Learning Resources + Activities, a Social Emotional Learning Guide, and a variety of Student Handouts and Worksheets.
As a reminder, the district’s team has worked to be sure these resources meet the needs of learners across grade levels and of all abilities. Activities not marked with a specific grade level can be used by a wide range of students – look in the accommodations section of the resources for tips on making the learning accessible to your student!
This will be the final elementary educational resources packet for the school year. Printed copies of these packets will be available at meal delivery sites on Friday, May 29.
At the conclusion of the scheduled school year, middle school students and families will receive report cards that include grades for trimesters one and two. Because learning occurring after the school closure was ungraded, third trimester courses will show a grade of “Ex” to indicate that the class was excused due to the closure.
Families with additional questions can reach out to their school directly.