Greetings Sageville families & staff,

I’m pleased to report that our school will be open tomorrow for students!  The staff and I are looking forward to see our school community back tomorrow.  All staff will be out to greet students as they return on the playground.  We will gather together in the gym first thing to assure the students that all is in place and we are ready to go!  As I stated in an earlier email, many ceiling tiles are down and that is what they will notice most.   Roofers will start the roof on Thursday.  The school damage will all be repaired this summer.

Today our staff worked in teams where rooms had the most damage. Staff assisted in putting rooms back together and taking inventory of damage.

We are moving our third graders for the rest of the year.  Mrs. Willenborg’s class is moved to Mrs. Walsh, GT, which next to Mrs. Cervantes’ first grade room.  Mrs. Walsh will use the conference room.  Mrs. Rokusek’s room is moved to the art room.  Music and art will travel to classrooms the rest of the school year.

What was most comforting to me during this time is the following:  We have a great school community.  Staff rallied today, our district rallied today, and your family rallied today.  We appreciate what you had to put in place for your children today.  What is also comforting is the areas where we take shelter in a storm.  Those areas were dry and had no damage.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Mac